The month of September is Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, and The Becker Law Firm is proud to play a part in helping promote a greater quality of life for people with disabilities resulting from injuries to the spinal cord.
Designated by the U.S. Senate, National SCI Awareness Month also encourages education through sharing information about spinal cord injuries, their potential for severe and lasting effects, and the need to support treatments and resources for victims.
Spinal cord injuries are typically caused by sudden, traumatic blows to the spine. Most injuries don’t completely severe the spinal cord, but instead cause fractures or compressions of the vertebrae that damage axons, the nerve cells which transport signals up and down the spinal cord and allow us to control our limbs and essential movements.
Depending on whether an injury damages a few, many, or nearly all of these vital nerve cells, victims may completely recover or may experience paralysis. This includes:
Complications caused by spinal cord injuries include:
Spinal cord injuries have an overwhelming potential for creating long-term if not life-long setbacks in victims’ lives, particularly when it comes to the costs of living with such an injury.
According to the Christopher and Dan Reeves foundation, there are many expenses associated with spinal cord injuries:
The Becker Law Firm has earned national recognition for our work in complex personal injury and medical malpractice lawsuits involving seriously injured victims. This includes victims who’ve suffered spinal cord injuries due to:
Our attorneys know victims with severe injuries face considerable physical, financial, and emotional damages, as well as extensive future needs. This is why we devote extensive resources to litigating their claims and pursuing the maximum compensation possible.
If you or someone you love has suffered a spinal cord injury and would like to learn more about your right for pursuing a recovery of your damages, contact us to speak confidentially with a lawyer.