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Firm News / 2.07.2024

Partner Romney Cullers Secures $8.5 Million in Downed Power Line Case

Please join The Becker Law Firm in recognizing the extraordinary work of Partner, Romney Cullers, for his settlement of $8.5 Million on behalf of the families of two men electrocuted by a downed power
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    Please join The Becker Law Firm in recognizing the extraordinary work of Partner, Romney Cullers, for his settlement of $8.5 Million on behalf of the families of two men electrocuted by a downed power line. The tragedy occurred after a drunk driver struck a utility pole, bringing down a power line onto wet pavement in a residential neighborhood. The drunk driver’s passenger survived the crash, crawled out of the car, and ran toward the road where he stepped on an energized powerline and was electrocuted. A bystander who lived across the street from the crash ran to help the passenger and was electrocuted by arcing from the wet pavement. A second unrelated bystander then ran to help and was shocked by arcing electricity but survived with disfiguring electrical contact injuries. The two deaths and injuries to the second bystander occurred within 20 to 30 seconds of the powerline falling on the street. The drunk driver survived with minor injuries and was charged with several offenses including two counts of aggravated vehicular homicide.

    Mr. Cullers and his team demonstrated through exhaustive investigation and discovery that the protective coordination system installed on the involved electric distribution circuit failed to operate properly by not “locking out” when the powerline fell on the road. If it had operated properly, the powerline would have been de-energized within 12 to15 seconds, preventing the two deaths and injuries. The power company claimed 1) that the drunk driver was solely responsible for the deaths and injuries, 2) that the two men who were killed were comparatively negligent because they failed to protect themselves from the powerline, and 3) even if the protective system on the circuit had functioned properly, it would not have prevented the deaths and injuries because they happened too quickly. Mr. Cullers also settled the injury claims of the second bystander, but all terms of that settlement, including the amount, are confidential.

    Handling the case required Mr. Cullers and his team to retain 12 experts in multiple disciplines and engage in a months-long investigation involving 53 depositions, 2 mediations, 4 focus groups and the production of a documentary film detailing the evidence recovered during the lengthy investigation. Mr. Cullers is well-known in Ohio and beyond for his expertise in handling power line injury cases. He recently produced a video about The Becker Law Firm’s approach in handling these complicated cases, often involving devastating injuries.

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