The developing baby is wholly dependent on the mother for survival. The uterus and the placenta are the primary sources of everything the baby needs—habitat, oxygen, nutrients and sugar (glucose), to name a few. Uteroplacental insufficiency describes what happens when the uterus or placenta is not up to task.
The main known causes of uteroplacental insufficiency are:
Most babies survive and grow despite uteroplacental insufficiency. However, prolonged problems have been known cause fetal distress intrauterine growth restriction. IUGR describes a baby who is not developing in the womb at a proper rate—typically measured by weighing 90% less than most babies for their age.
Another problem with uteroplacental insufficiency is oligohydramnios. This means an abnormally low level of amniotic fluid, which can cause a compressed umbilical cord (the cord does not have as much room to float in) or susceptibility to physical trauma (the baby is not cushioned by as much fluid).
Both of these conditions can cause developmental delays or cerebral palsy, which can have a lifelong impact on the child.
Contact Us
If you suspect that uteroplacental insufficiency was present or not properly managed by your doctors, contact our medical malpractice lawyers at (440) 252-4399 or online for a free consultation.