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Partner Romney Cullers Secures $8M in Medical Malpractice Case

$8 Million Settlement

Please join The Becker Law Firm in recognizing partner Romney Cullers for his extraordinary settlement of $8,000,000.00 on behalf of a now seven-year-old child who suffered catastrophic brain damage at the time of birth.

Mr. Cullers and his team brought medical negligence claims against the nursing staff and the obstetrician responsible for managing the labor and delivery of the child’s mother. The nursing staff and obstetrician failed to respond timely to a worsening electronic fetal monitoring tracing. The tracing was reassuring when the mother was admitted at the hospital. Over the course of the next 24 hours, the tracing became concerning and suggested that the baby was not tolerating labor and may not have been adequately oxygenated. Under these circumstances, the obstetrician should have intervened and performed a Cesarean delivery. Unfortunately, by the time the obstetrician decided to intervene, the baby had descended too deeply in the mother’s pelvis for a Cesarean delivery to be safely accomplished. The baby was eventually delivered naturally, but had suffered devastating brain damage as the result of oxygen deprivation during the last hours and minutes of labor.

The child now has cerebral palsy and is profoundly disabled, requiring round the clock attendant care. The settlement proceeds will now provide the child’s family will the resources they will need to pay for the very best medical care, attendant care and other necessary services the child will require.

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