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Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness Month


The Becker Law Firm is proud to show our support for Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month.

Organized by the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, SCA Awareness Month works to support programs that give every person the power to save lives by teaching them how to properly respond to SCA.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: A Medical Emergency

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a life-threatening medical emergency that occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. SCA can strike in people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and those who appear to be healthy.

Visit our blog to learn more about Sudden Cardiac Arrest, SCA in student athletes, and Lindsay’s Law, a bill recently passed by Ohio lawmakers to protect youth athletes from SCA.

When a person suffers SCA, they will collapse, become unresponsive, and will not breathe normally (i.e. they may gasp for air or shake as if having a seizure). Because SCA can cause death in a matter of minutes, survival depends on people nearby recognizing these serious signs, calling 911, starting CPR, and using an AED if available, as soon as possible.

SCA is a national public health crisis, and the numbers are clear:

  • SCA affects 1,000 people outside of hospital settings each day.
  • SCA is the third leading cause of death in America.
  • More than 356,000 people of all ages experience SCA each year.
  • 7 out of 10 SCAs happen at home.

Today, only 1 in 10 victims survive SCA. However, when bystanders intervene by providing CPR, using AEDs, and calling 911 immediately, survival rates can double or triple to 5 in 10.

Every Second Counts: CALL-PUSH-SHOCK

Because every second counts, our team encourages everyone to learn how their quick action could save a life. The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation provides resources to help you learn more about critical steps to take when someone nearby suffers SCA, including CALL-PUSH-SHOCK:

  1. Recognize SCA: If the person is unresponsive and not breathing normally, assume SCA.
  2. Call 911: Get help immediately and follow emergency dispatcher’s instructions.
  3. CPR: Start CPR as soon as possible. Push hard and fast in center of chest (100-120 pumps/minute).
  4. Use AED: Use an Automated External Defibrillator if available and follow instructions. AEDs can’t hurt the person and are designed for anyone to use.

Take a look at the SCA infographic, and share it with your friends and family.

As a firm known for litigating medical malpractice cases, including claims over failures to properly respond to SCA and failures to diagnose heart disease, The Becker Law Firm is proud to share valuable resources that help people learn about serious conditions like SCA and how a little preparation can go a long way when the moment strikes.

We encourage you to visit the SCA Foundation website to learn how you can save a life, as well as AED.US for information about AEDs for your business, home, or organization.

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