Just like the rest of us, children with disabilities, are capable of learning, growing, and improving. Sometimes it takes longer, and sometimes it requires more creativity. However, a disability does not define a child. Particularly because of technology, there are extensive educational resources for children of all ability levels.
- Zot Artz: Children who use wheelchairs or other assistive walking devices, including children with cerebral palsy, can turn their transportation into colorful works of art or devices to create art.
- Kinder Art: The website features artistic lessons for children, and tips for encouraging their artistic development.
- The Special Artist’s Handbook: Art Activities and Adaptive Aids for Handicapped Students(available on Amazon.com)
Technology & Apps
Thanks to the iPad, several apps are available that help children with disabilities to learn and communicate. Even recently, assistive communicative devices could cost thousands of dollars, but with tablet computers it is finally widely affordable.
- Apple’s List of Special Education Apps
- Moms With Apps: List of Apps for children with special needs
- Bridging Apps: Includes a comprehensive list of Apps available for several devices
- Proloquo2Go: Features pictographs and text-to-speech that help children to communicate
Improvement of gross motor skills is important for children with physical disabilities, like cerebral palsy. Here are some options and ideas:
- Martial arts: especially for children with shoulder dystocia injuries like brachial plexus, a good martial arts program will inspire confidence and help them to overcome the limitations of their disability
- Adaptive Physical Education: ideas about how to include children with physical disabilities in a gym or physical education class
- Swimming: water decreases pressure on bones and joints, which is beneficial for children with physical disabilities. Being in the water is also fun for children, which can be an important motivator for exercise.
- Parent Toolkit for Adapted and Inclusive Fitness
- The Complete Guide to Special Education: Expert Advice on Evaluations, IEPs, and Helping Kids Succeed
- Social Skills Activities for Special Children
- The Ultimate Guide to Assistive Technology in Special Education: Resources for Education, Intervention and Rehabilitation
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