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We get results

Personal Injury Electrocution Injury

The Becker Law Firm obtained a settlement of $60,700,000.00 for the family of a 16-year-old girl who suffered disabling neurologic injuries and partial limb loss after contact with a down power line. Because of this effort, our deserving client will get the very best care. This is the largest settlement in Ohio history involving physical injuries to an individual plaintiff.

Medical Malpractice Birth Injury

Baby Doe was delivered at ABC Hospital in 1994. Her mother experienced a complication just before delivery that led to oxygen deprivation in Baby Doe. This case had previously been rejected by another prominent Cleveland law firm. At trial, Mr. Becker proved that the hospital failed to follow its own protocol for an obstetrical emergency. Prior to trial, a mock jury was utilized to help focus on the important issues of the case from a lay perspective. During trial, shadow jurors were used to follow the court proceedings. Becker adjusted his presentation during trial to meet the concerns of the shadow jurors as they arose. After two and one-half days of deliberation, the jury awarded $17,000,000.00 to Baby Doe and her parents. Because the hospital failed to make a good faith settlement offer before trial, Becker obtained an additional $8,500,000.00 in prejudgment interest. Baby Doe’s ultimate judgment is one of the largest medical malpractice verdicts in the history in the State of Ohio.

Medical Malpractice & Personal Injury

Romney Cullers, Partner with The Becker Law Firm, secured a $24 million settlement on behalf of a college athlete who sustained anoxic brain damage and permanent deficits after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest following basketball practice. Read more about the case here.

Cerebral Palsy

Jones vs. MetroHealth Medical Center involved a pregnant mother with a previous cesarean birth who was admitted to the Metro antepartum unit on 3 occasions around 24-25 weeks gestation for preterm labor. Each time, her labor was successfully stopped with medications and bed rest with minimal cervical changes. At 25 weeks, her baby was viable but extremely vulnerable. She should have been kept in the hospital for as long as possible to prevent any further progress in labor. Instead, she was discharged home. Six days later, her water broke and she went into active labor. Instead of granting the mother’s request for a repeat cesarean, the doctor instead chose to let the mother labor. Four hours later, the baby began showing sides of fetal distress which progressively worsened. Doctors watched the baby’s condition deteriorate for another 3 ½ hours before finally doing an emergency cesarean. The baby was born with a severe brain hemorrhage which resulted in a permanent brain injury, cerebral palsy and cognitive disability.

Birth Injury

Becker Law Firm attorneys Michael Becker and David Skall obtained a jury verdict for $13.5 million in Akron, Ohio. The case involved a now 16- year-old boy who suffered a brain injury at the time of birth (specifically a watershed injury). The doctor held liable for causing the boy’s injury is Laura Fortner, M.D., previously of Atrium OB/GYN, Inc.

Brain Injury

Partners Michael Becker and Dave Oeschger secured an incredible $11 Million policy limits settlement on behalf of a now 53-year old gentleman who suffered permanent and catastrophic brain injury after resident physicians failed to timely and appropriately respond to a code blue for airway compromise due to a rapidly expanding neck hematoma. Read more.

View All Verdicts and Settlements

Cleveland Personal Injury Lawyers

Representing Injury Victims Throughout Ohio

We try to protect ourselves and our children from harm, but the careless acts of others can endanger their future. If your child suffered a birth injury or you have been seriously injured due to no fault of your own, our Cleveland personal injury lawyers at The Becker Law Firm are here to help. 

We are highly experienced in all types of serious injury, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and birth injury matters and represent clients across the country. For the injured, there is no recourse but civil justice. You must timely commence or threaten litigation if at-fault parties are to be held accountable. 

These are complex matters, and the negligent party and their insurers will mount a strong defense to avoid paying the compensation you need.  Our personal injury attorneys have over a century of collective experience, utilize extensive resources to face off against any opponent, and are relentless in our pursuit of justice.

Let Us Handle Your Case

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Fighting for Full Justice

We are known for taking on the most challenging cases, our tenacious approach, and our record of significant results for clients. In fact, we have recovered hundreds of millions in settlements and awards.

Speak with a member of The Becker Law Firm today and find out if you have a case: 216-621-3000.

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Cleveland, OH 44114
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250 East Fifth Street
15th Floor, PMB 2350
Cincinnati, OH 45202
By Appointment Only
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Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215
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301 West First Street
Unit 2
Dayton, OH 45402
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